Table of Contents

dateFormatFromString()  : string
Format dates and times for localization
dateFormatFromTimeStamp()  : string
Format dates and times for localization
getSystemLocales()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Return the list of all locales available on the current OS, defined in cached file /cache/languages/locales_system.json
refreshSystemLocalesCache()  : mixed
Create a data file containing the list of available locales on the current system
checkSystemLocales()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Return a dynamic list of all locales available on the current OS
getLocaleGettextAliases()  : array<string|int, string>
Return all alias of a locale with and without UTF-8 charset for Gettext
codeISO639a1toName()  : string
Return the name of a language defined by its locale code or its ISO 639-1 (alpha-2) code.
load_locales()  : mixed
Load the gettext catalogs of the user's preferred language.
determine_locale()  : string
Determine the user's preferred language.
determine_locale_priority_stack()  : array<string|int, string>
Determine the user's preferred language.
getAllLocales()  : array<string|int, string>
Return the list of all locales defined in /languages/locales.json
localetoBCP47()  : string
Return the BCP 47 code that matches the code of a locale.
getTranslatableLocales()  : mixed
Get a list of translatable locales sorted by locale name



Format dates and times for localization

dateFormatFromString(string $datetime) : string

Use it for displaying data to the user, not formatting data for the db

$datetime : string

comes in from the database in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' e.g. 2013-01-31 15:54:55

Return values


Format dates and times for localization

dateFormatFromTimeStamp(int $timestamp) : string

Use it for displaying data to the user, not formatting data for the db

$timestamp : int
Return values


Return the list of all locales available on the current OS, defined in cached file /cache/languages/locales_system.json

getSystemLocales([bool $display_code_only = FALSE ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

Each entry of the returned array is locale code (format: ll_CC@variant) as key and its name as value [format: language (Country, Variant)].

ll is a mandatory language code CC is an optional country code variant is an optional script, money or collation code

If the source file is not readeable only the reference language is listed.

$display_code_only : bool = FALSE

Display the code of the locale instead of its localized name (optional, FALSE by default)

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Create a data file containing the list of available locales on the current system

refreshSystemLocalesCache([bool $force = FALSE ]) : mixed

The file is stored at /cache/languages/locales_system.json

$force : bool = FALSE

Forces the file overwriting if it already exists (optional, FALSE by default)

Return values


Return a dynamic list of all locales available on the current OS

checkSystemLocales() : array<string|int, mixed>

This function can be a bit of a time (1-2 s) running because it tests all possible variants of all known locales.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Return all alias of a locale with and without UTF-8 charset for Gettext

getLocaleGettextAliases(string $locale) : array<string|int, string>

Although locales codes have a canonical form and the LANG environment variable of operating systems respect it, Gettext doesn't always follow the standard. This function provides all the possible variants known to us on Windows 7, Mac, Debian 10 and OpenBSD 6.6 for one locale code.

These forms are provided to test if a locale is available on the current system and are not intended for users.

$locale : string

Normalized code of a locale

Return values
array<string|int, string>


Load the gettext catalogs of the user's preferred language.

load_locales() : mixed
Return values


Determine the user's preferred language.

determine_locale([null|string $force_locale = NULL ]) : string

This function builds a language priority stack and return the first entry as the user's preferred language.

If $force_locale is passed, this function will try to use this locale first.

$force_locale : null|string = NULL

Code of a locale (format: ll[_CC][@variant])(optional, NULL by default)

Return values


Determine the user's preferred language.

determine_locale_priority_stack([null|string $force_locale = NULL ]) : array<string|int, string>

This function builds a language priority stack. The first is the highest priority.

If $force_locale is passed, this function will try to use this locale first.

$force_locale : null|string = NULL

Code of a locale (format: ll[_CC][@variant])(optional, NULL by default)

Return values
array<string|int, string>


Return the list of all locales defined in /languages/locales.json

getAllLocales([bool $display_code_only = FALSE ]) : array<string|int, string>

Each entry of the returned array is locale code (format: ll_CC@variant) as key and its name as value [format: language (Country, Variant)].

ll is a mandatory language code CC is an optional country code variant is an optional script, money or collation code

If the source file is not readeable only the reference language is listed.

$display_code_only : bool = FALSE

Display the code of the locale instead of its localized name (optional, FALSE by default)

Return values
array<string|int, string>


Return the BCP 47 code that matches the code of a locale.

localetoBCP47( $locale) : string

The BCP 47 code is used in the lang attribute of any HTML tag. The list of supported languages is simple enough to avoid having to encounter any particular case.

The resolution table was built by hand because there is no systematic correspondence with an ISO language code.

$locale :

Code of a locale (format: ll[_CC][@variant])

Return values


Get a list of translatable locales sorted by locale name

getTranslatableLocales(mixed $in_locale) : mixed

This is a list of locales that a translator can use to translate a text and not a list of locales currently available on the system.

Each key is a locale code and its value a displayname.

return string[]

$in_locale : mixed
Return values

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