Table of Contents

setHeaders()  : mixed
Set download headers
readfile_chunked()  : bool
Download file to user
createFileName()  : array<string|int, mixed>
create a fileName for this file. If directory based on session ID does not exist, create it.
fileMaxSize()  : int
Get file max upload size
return_bytes()  : int
Convert some ini values to numerical values (to bytes)
dirToArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Enumerate files and subdirectories of a directory except . and .. subdirectories
dirInDirToArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Enumerate subdirectories of a directory except . and .. subdirectories
fileInDirToArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Enumerate files of a directory except . and .. subdirectories
recurse_AbsoluteDirToArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Enumerate recursively files and subdirectories of a directory except . and .. subdirectories
recurse_fileInDirToArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Enumerate recursively files and subdirectories of a directory except . and .. subdirectories
recurse_ChangeDateOfFiles()  : mixed
Change recursively the last access/modification datetime of files and subdirectories of a directory
recurse_dir_copy()  : mixed
Copy recursively a folder
recurse_rmdir()  : mixed
Remove recursively a folder
rmfile()  : mixed
Remove a file
fileUpload()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Return filename, hash, type and size of an uploaded file or an array of such information for each file uploaded
rearrangeFilesArray()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Rearrange the $_FILES array for multiple file uploads
fileStore()  : bool
Store uploaded file in given directory with given name
listFiles()  : array<string|int, mixed>
list and HTML format all files for sessionID
tidyFiles()  : mixed
tidy up the files directory by removing all files and folders older than WIKINDX_FILE_DELETE_SECONDS
zip()  : mixed
Zip up an array of files. File is stored in files dir.
extractComponentPackage()  : bool
Extract a WIKINDX Component Package to a folder
extractComponentPackageDefinition()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Extract the component.json file of a WIKINDX Component Package to an array
createComponentPackageReproducible()  : string
Create a compressed package for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackageUnix()  : string
Create a compressed package for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackageBzip2Unix()  : mixed
Create a compressed package in .tar.bz2 format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackageGzUnix()  : mixed
Create a compressed package in .tar.gz format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackageZipUnix()  : mixed
Create a compressed package in .zip format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackage()  : string
Create a compressed package for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackageBzip2()  : mixed
Create a compressed package in .tar.bz2 format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackageGz()  : mixed
Create a compressed package in .tar.gz format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackageZip()  : mixed
Create a compressed package in .zip format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
createComponentPackageTar()  : string
Create a compressed package in .tar format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components
command_exists2()  : bool
Does an unix command exist?
command_exists()  : bool
Does an unix command exist?
suhosin_function_exists()  : bool
Does a function exist ou is enabled with or without the suhosin security extension?
read_json_file()  : null|mixed
Read a JSON file to a data structure
write_json_file()  : int
Write a data structure to a JSON file
formatSize()  : string
Format a file size in bytes to the greater multiple for display



Set download headers

setHeaders(string $type, int $size, string $filename, string $lastmodified[, string $charset = '' ]) : mixed
$type : string
$size : int
$filename : string
$lastmodified : string
$charset : string = ''

Default is ''


Download file to user

readfile_chunked(string $file) : bool


$file : string


create a fileName for this file. If directory based on session ID does not exist, create it.

createFileName(string $dirName, string $string, string $extension) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dirName : string
$string : string

File contents

$extension : string

File extension


Get file max upload size

fileMaxSize() : int


Convert some ini values to numerical values (to bytes)

return_bytes(string $val) : int
$val : string


Enumerate files and subdirectories of a directory except . and .. subdirectories

dirToArray(string $dir) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

A directory to explore


Enumerate subdirectories of a directory except . and .. subdirectories

dirInDirToArray(string $dir) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

A directory to explore


Enumerate files of a directory except . and .. subdirectories

fileInDirToArray(string $dir) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

A directory to explore


Enumerate recursively files and subdirectories of a directory except . and .. subdirectories

recurse_AbsoluteDirToArray(string $dir) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

A directory to explore


Enumerate recursively files and subdirectories of a directory except . and .. subdirectories

recurse_fileInDirToArray(string $dir) : array<string|int, mixed>
$dir : string

A directory to explore


Change recursively the last access/modification datetime of files and subdirectories of a directory

recurse_ChangeDateOfFiles(string $dir, int $time) : mixed
$dir : string

A directory to explore

$time : int

A Unix timestamp


Copy recursively a folder

recurse_dir_copy(string $src, string $dst) : mixed
$src : string

Source directory

$dst : string

Destination directory


Remove recursively a folder

recurse_rmdir(string $dir) : mixed
$dir : string

Target directory


Remove a file

rmfile(string $file) : mixed
$file : string

Target filename


Return filename, hash, type and size of an uploaded file or an array of such information for each file uploaded

fileUpload([false|string $filename = FALSE ][, bool $multiple = FALSE ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$filename : false|string = FALSE
$multiple : bool = FALSE

multiple files (default FALSE)


Rearrange the $_FILES array for multiple file uploads

rearrangeFilesArray(array<string|int, mixed> $files) : array<string|int, mixed>
$files : array<string|int, mixed>


Store uploaded file in given directory with given name

fileStore(string $dirName, string $name[, false|int $index = FALSE ]) : bool
$dirName : string
$name : string
$index : false|int = FALSE

if moving multiple file uploads


list and HTML format all files for sessionID

listFiles() : array<string|int, mixed>


tidy up the files directory by removing all files and folders older than WIKINDX_FILE_DELETE_SECONDS

tidyFiles() : mixed


Zip up an array of files. File is stored in files dir.

zip(array<string|int, mixed> $files, string $path) : mixed
$files : array<string|int, mixed>

unqualified filenames (key is label of file, value is filename on disk)

$path : string

file path


Extract a WIKINDX Component Package to a folder

extractComponentPackage(string $ComponentPackageFile, string $DestinationFolder) : bool

The .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 archives are decompressed in two stages and require the creation of a temporary .tar file in the same directory as the archive to uncompress.

If missing, the destination folder is created silently. otherwise its contents is overwritten and existing files that are not in the archive are deleted.

It is not necessary to delete the files of the previous component that occupies the same destination, which limits the loss of an already installed component if the operation does not complete.

However, it is always possible to end up in an inconsistent state if the operation failed between the decompression of two files. It should be very rare.

So a component should never create files and folders in its code directories otherwise they will be deleted. Use the private cache and data folders of a component for this task.*

BUGS: Phar crashs with an exception on Gzip/Bzip2 archives

$ComponentPackageFile : string

Absolute or relative path to an archive file created with \FILE\createComponentPackage

$DestinationFolder : string

Absolute or relative path of a folder where the archive is extracted


Extract the component.json file of a WIKINDX Component Package to an array

extractComponentPackageDefinition(string $ComponentPackageFile) : array<string|int, mixed>

The .tar.gz and .tar.bz2 archives are decompressed in two stages and require the creation of a temporary .tar file in the same directory as the archive to uncompress.

The component.json file is read in memory before parsing.

$ComponentPackageFile : string

Absolute or relative path to an archive file created with \FILE\createComponentPackage


Create a compressed package for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageReproducible(string $SrcDir, string $DstDir, string $Archive, string $Format) : string

This function is a wrapper that hide the specifics of compression formats.

$SrcDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a source directory

$DstDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination directory

$Archive : string

Name of the package file, without path and extension

$Format : string

Code of a package format (ZIP, GZ, BZIP2)


Create a compressed package for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageUnix(string $SrcDir, string $DstDir, string $Archive, string $Format) : string

This function is a wrapper that hide the specifics of compression formats.

$SrcDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a source directory

$DstDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination directory

$Archive : string

Name of the package file, without path and extension

$Format : string

Code of a package format (ZIP, GZ, BZIP2)


Create a compressed package in .tar.bz2 format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageBzip2Unix(string $SrcDir, string $DstFile) : mixed

This function must be called from createComponentPackage() only.

$SrcDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a source directory

$DstFile : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination package file


Create a compressed package in .tar.gz format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageGzUnix(string $SrcDir, string $DstFile) : mixed

This function must be called from createComponentPackage() only.

$SrcDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a source directory

$DstFile : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination package file


Create a compressed package in .zip format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageZipUnix(string $SrcDir, string $DstFile) : mixed

This function must be called from createComponentPackage() only.

$SrcDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a source directory

$DstFile : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination package file


Create a compressed package for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackage(string $SrcDir, string $DstDir, string $Archive, string $Format) : string

This function is a wrapper that hide the specifics of compression formats.

$SrcDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a source directory

$DstDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination directory

$Archive : string

Name of the package file, without path and extension

$Format : string

Code of a package format (ZIP, GZ, BZIP2)


Create a compressed package in .tar.bz2 format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageBzip2(string $SrcFile, string $DstFile) : mixed

This function must be called from createComponentPackage() only.

$SrcFile : string

Absolute or relative path to a source TAR file

$DstFile : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination package file


Create a compressed package in .tar.gz format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageGz(string $SrcFile, string $DstFile) : mixed

This function must be called from createComponentPackage() only.

$SrcFile : string

Absolute or relative path to a source TAR file

$DstFile : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination package file


Create a compressed package in .zip format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageZip(string $SrcDir, string $DstFile) : mixed

This function must be called from createComponentPackage() only.

$SrcDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a source directory

$DstFile : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination package file


Create a compressed package in .tar format for the release of WIKINDX core, manual or one of its components

createComponentPackageTar(string $SrcDir, string $DstDir) : string

This function must be called from createComponentPackage() only.

$SrcDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a source directory

$DstDir : string

Absolute or relative path to a destination directory


Does an unix command exist?

command_exists2(string $command) : bool
$command : string

Command to test with the default shell


Does an unix command exist?

command_exists(string $command) : bool
$command : string

Command to test with the default shell


Does a function exist ou is enabled with or without the suhosin security extension?

suhosin_function_exists(string $func) : bool
$func : string

Function name



Read a JSON file to a data structure

read_json_file(string $file) : null|mixed

Read a JSON file and unserialize its content to a data structure with json_decode()

$file : string

An absolute or relative path to a file



Write a data structure to a JSON file

write_json_file(string $file, mixed $data) : int

Serialize a data structure with json_encode() and write it in a file

$file : string

An absolute or relative path to a file

$data : mixed

A data structure or a value



Format a file size in bytes to the greater multiple for display

formatSize(int $size) : string
$size : int

In bytes

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