Styles format (v30)

WIKINDX uses JSON files for bibliographic and citation (bibcite) styling of elements in WIKINDX (the resources and internal citations) and the output from the word processor. These files can be created and edited through the adminstyle plugin and control all aspects of bibliographic and citation formatting through four main bibcite types:

  • author-date: An in-text reference that might look like (Aulery 2022, p.34) and a bibliography.
  • incrementing footnotes: An in-text reference that is typically a number and that refers to a footnote at the bottom of the page. A bibliography is appended. Each footnote in-text reference increments regardless of whether the citation has been used before.
  • incrementing endnotes: An in-text reference that is typically a number and that refers to an endnote at the end of the document. Each endnote in-text reference increments regardless of whether the citation has been used before.
  • endnotes with the same ID: An in-text reference that is typically a number and that refers to an endnote at the end of the document. Where a citation has appeared before in the text, the in-text reference will use the number used for the previous citation. The numbering of the endnote in-text references can be incrementing from the start of the text (and the endnotes at the end of the document follow this order) or can follow the numbering of the endnotes at the end of the document (which can be ordered by creator, publication year, or resource title).

Each bibcite style comprises two files stored in the components/styles/ folder in a folder ‘xxx’ that is a lowercase version of styleShortName:

  • component.json
  • xxx.json

Note that all templates—for in-text citations, footnotes, bibliography entries, and so on—that use fields such as id, author, title, publicationYear, etc., depend on correct ordering in the JSON file. This ordering of fields must follow that specified by the style compiler for the specific template. In this way, the final rendering of the template has the correct ordering of these fields.

What follows here, is documentation for programmers. If, instead, you wish to create a new style, use the adminstyle plugin which can be downloaded via the Admin > Components interface. This provides a graphical, forms-based interface for creating and editing bibliographic styles.


Below is an example of component.json file taken from the Chicago (footnotes) bibcite style. This section only give the correspondence between the fields of the editor and the fields of the file. For format details, see the component.json format page.

    "component_type": "style",
    "component_id": "chicago-ft",
    "component_name": "chicago-ft",
    "component_website": "",
    "component_longname": "Chicago (footnotes)",
    "component_description": "Chicago Style. Turabian and Chicago are two separate styles but are very similar, just like Harvard and APA. These are widely used for history and economics. Chicago has two styles: this is the footnotes version.",
    "component_licence": "ISC Licence",
    "component_version": 1094,
    "component_authors": [
            "author_name": "Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard",
            "author_role": "compiler",
            "author_email": "",
            "author_website": "",
            "author_copyright": "2003–2023"
    "component_sha256": "b865c0b193cc56d1b9a7c6d2d228784e203fdcc87147f8cb0927ab2ba91498d0"

It contains general information about the bibcite style most of which is editable in the adminstyle editor.

  • component_type. Will always be “style” (not editable)
  • component_id. The style ID (not editable)—used for the folder name and xxx.json file
  • component_name. The style’s short name (styleShortName)
  • component_website. The style’s website (styleWebsite)
  • component_longname. The style’s long name (styleLongName)
  • component_description. A description of the style (longDescription)
  • component_licence. The style’s licence (styleLicence)
  • component_version. The style’s component version number (not editable)
  • component_authors. An array of up to four style compilers and editors (styleCompilerName, styleCompilerEmail, styleCompilerWebsite, styleCompilerCopyright and styleEditor1Name. . . styleEditor1Copyright. . . styleEditor3Name. . . styleEditor3Copyright)
  • component_sha256. The style’s unique hash (not editable)

In the adminstyle editor, these fields are found in the Labels/Locale/Style Type block.

  • styleShortName
  • styleLongName
  • longDescription
  • styleWebsite
  • styleLicence
  • styleCompilerName
  • styleCompilerEmail
  • styleCompilerWebsite
  • styleCompilerCopyright
  • styleEditor1Name
  • styleEditor1Email
  • styleEditor1Website
  • styleEditor1Copyright
  • styleEditor2Name
  • styleEditor2Email
  • styleEditor2Website
  • styleEditor2Copyright
  • styleEditor3Name
  • styleEditor3Email
  • styleEditor3Website
  • styleEditor3Copyright


Conceptually, the style is structured into logical blocks which are largely reflected in the adminstyle editor.

Note that every bibcite style file should have all of these fields even if they are empty and/or unused: the adminstyle editor allows the style compiler to switch between author-date (a-d), footnote(ft), and endnote (end) styles, so keeping all fields ensures nothing is lost when switching.

The general information block

Field Prefix Description
name info_ The short name for the style (styleShortName in the WIKINDX code)
description info_ A description of the style (longDescription in the WIKINDX code)
styleLocalisation info_ This affects ordinals for edition numbers, and day of the month and month names in bibliographic entries
citeLocalisation info_ This informs the bibcite engine in WIKINDX which grammar rules to use for processing citations in the text (e.g., quotation characters, punctuation characters, possessive characters, typical abbreviations, and so on). See core/bibcitation/libs/CITELOC.php
osbibVersion info_ The style’s version number which is matched internally in WIKINDX to check for compatibility of the style with the core code (not editable)


Citation creators

Field Prefix Style type Description
creatorStyle cite_ a-d Order of initials and surname for the first creator in a list
creatorOtherStyle cite_ a-d Order of initials and surname for other creators in a list
creatorInitials cite_ a-d Formatting of creator initials
creatorFirstName cite_ a-d Formatting of creator first names (full or initial)
twoCreatorsSep cite_ a-d Characters separating creators where there are just two
creatorSepFirstBetween cite_ a-d Characters separating the first two creators where there are more than two
creatorSepNextBetween cite_ a-d Characters separating other creators where there are more than two
creatorSepNextLast cite_ a-d Characters separating the last two creators where there are more than two
creatorList cite_ a-d Print all creators or limit the list on first citation
creatorListMore cite_ a-d If limiting the creator list on first citation, the threshold of number of creators, above which to limit the list
creatorListLimit cite_ a-d If limiting the creator list on first citation, how many to print in full
creatorListAbbreviation cite_ a-d If limiting the creator list on first citation, how to abbreviate the remaining creators
creatorListAbbreviationItalic cite_ a-d If limiting the creator list on first citation, italicize the abbreviation
creatorListSubsequent cite_ a-d Print all creators or limit the list on subsequent citations
creatorListSubsequentMore cite_ a-d If limiting the creator list on subsequent citations, the threshold of number of creators, above which to limit the list
creatorListSubsequentLimit cite_ a-d If limiting the creator list on subsequent citations, how many to print in full
creatorListSubsequentAbbreviation cite_ a-d If limiting the creator list on subsequent citations, how to abbreviate the remaining creators
creatorListSubsequentAbbreviationItalic cite_ a-d If limiting the creator list on subsequent citations, italicize the abbreviation
useInitials cite_ a-d Where only surnames are printed, use initials to distinguish between creators with the same surname
creatorUpperCase cite_ a-d Uppercase creator names
primaryCreatorFirstStyle footnote_ ft Order of initials and surname for the first primary creator in a list
primaryCreatorOtherStyle footnote_ ft Order of initials and surname for other primary creators in a list
primaryCreatorFirstName footnote_ ft Formatting of primary creator first names (full or initial)
primaryCreatorInitials footnote_ ft Formatting of primary creator initials
primaryCreatorUpperCase footnote_ ft Uppercase primary creator names
primaryCreatorRepeat footnote_ ft Action for works by the same creator(s) immediately following in the list
primaryCreatorRepeatString footnote_ ft Works by the same creator(s) immediately following in the list are replaced with this
primaryCreatorRepeatOverrideFormat footnote_ ft The replacement for works by the same creator(s) immediately following in the list has the previous formatting removed
otherCreatorFirstStyle footnote_ ft Order of initials and surname for the first non-primary creators in a list
otherCreatorOtherStyle footnote_ ft Order of initials and surname for other non-primary creators in a list
otherCreatorFirstName footnote_ ft Formatting of non-primary creator first names (full or initial)
otherCreatorInitials footnote_ ft Formatting of non-primary creator initials
otherCreatorUpperCase footnote_ ft Uppercase non-primary creator names
primaryTwoCreatorsSep footnote_ ft Characters separating primary creators where there are just two
primaryCreatorSepFirstBetween footnote_ ft Characters separating the first two primary creators where there are more than two
primaryCreatorSepNextBetween footnote_ ft Characters separating other primary creators where there are more than two
primaryCreatorSepNextLast footnote_ ft Characters separating the last two primary creators where there are more than two
otherTwoCreatorsSep footnote_ ft Characters separating non-primary creators where there are just two
otherCreatorSepFirstBetween footnote_ ft Characters separating the first two non-primary creators where there are more than two
otherCreatorSepNextBetween footnote_ ft Characters separating other non-primary creators where there are more than two
otherCreatorSepNextLast footnote_ ft Characters separating the last two non-primary creators where there are more than two
primaryCreatorList footnote_ ft Print all primary creators or limit the list on first citation
primaryCreatorListMore footnote_ ft If limiting the primary creator list on first citation, the threshold of number of creators, above which to limit the list
primaryCreatorListLimit footnote_ ft If limiting the primary creator list on first citation, how many to print in full
primaryCreatorListAbbreviation footnote_ ft If limiting the primary creator list on first citation, how to abbreviate the remaining creators
primaryCreatorListAbbreviationItalic footnote_ ft If limiting the primary creator list on first citation, italicize the abbreviation
otherCreatorList footnote_ ft Print all non-primary creators or limit the list on first citation
otherCreatorListMore footnote_ ft If limiting the non-primary creator list on first citation, the threshold of number of creators, above which to limit the list
otherCreatorListLimit footnote_ ft If limiting the non-primary creator list on first citation, how many to print in full
otherCreatorListAbbreviation footnote_ ft If limiting the non-primary creator list on first citation, how to abbreviate the remaining creators
otherCreatorListAbbreviationItalic footnote_ ft If limiting the non-primary creator list on first citation, italicize the abbreviation

Citation in the text and footnotes and endnotes

Field Prefix Style type Description
firstChars cite_ a-d First characters enclosing the citation
lastChars cite_ a-d Last characters enclosing the citation
template cite_ a-d The main citation template
replaceYear cite_ a-d Characters replacing a missing year, if year is a field in the main citation template
removeTitle cite_ a-d Remove title and shortTitle fields from the main citation template if either of them is in the same sentence as the citation
citationPosition1 cite_ a-d/ft/end First position of the citation in the sentence
citationPosition2 cite_ a-d/ft/end Second position of the citation in the sentence
citationPosition3 cite_ a-d/ft/end Third position of the citation in the sentence
citationPositionSpace cite_ a-d/ft/end Ensure there is a space before the citation
citationPositionPunctuation cite_ a-d/ft/end If the citation is to be repositioned after a creator name or quotation, ensure it is placed after any punctuation
followCreatorTemplate cite_ a-d Template used if the citation is placed after a creator name
followCreatorPageSplit cite_ a-d If the citation is placed after a creator name and there is also a quotation in the sentence, place any page number(s) after the quotation
noCreatorAfterQuotation cite_ a-d If the citation is placed after a quotation and the creator name(s) is also in the sentence, remove the creator from the template
consecutiveCitationSep cite_ a-d Characters separating consecutive citations
consecutiveCreatorTemplate cite_ a-d For consecutive citations by the same creator(s) use this template after the first citation
consecutiveCreatorSep cite_ a-d If using consecutiveCreatorTemplate, separate the citations with these characters
subsequentCreatorTemplate cite_ a-d Use this template for subsequent citations from the same resource where there are no other intervening citations
subsequentFields cite_ a-d Use subsequentCreatorTemplate only if the sentence with the citation contains the creator name, title, or shortTitle in it
subsequentCreatorRange cite_ a-d A citation is treated as subsequent within a limited range
pageFormat cite_ a-d/ft/end Format of the pages field in templates
yearFormat cite_ a-d/ft/end Format of the year field in templates
titleCapitalization cite_ a-d/ft/end Capitalization format for the main title in the title field
subtitleCapitalization cite_ a-d/ft/end Capitalization format for the subtitle in the title field
pageFormatDelimiter cite_ a-d/ft/end Delimiter between multiple page numbers in the pages field
titleSubtitleSeparator cite_ a-d/ft/end Separator between title and subtitle in the title field
ambiguous cite_ a-d Action for multiple works in the same year by the same creator(s)
ambiguousTemplate cite_ a-d Citation template to use if set by the ambiguous variable
citationYearsTemplate cite_ a-d Subtemplate replacing the year field in other templates where there are multiple publication years
citationYearsTypes cite_ a-d The resource types for which citationYearsTemplate must be used
firstCharsEndnoteInText cite_ ft/end First characters enclosing the citation
lastCharsEndnoteInText cite_ ft/end Last characters enclosing the citation
templateEndnoteInText cite_ ft/end The citation fields
formatEndnoteInText cite_ ft/end Format of the citation
consecutiveCitationEndnoteInTextSep cite_ ft/end Characters separating consecutive citations
endnoteStyle cite_ ft/end The basic style of the footnotes or endnotes
footnoteBibPosition cite_ ft Where footnotes should be positioned (word processor only)
endnoteRestart cite_ ft/end When to restart footnote and endnote numbering (‘Page’ and ‘Section’ are relevant in the word processor only)
trueFootnotes cite_ end Position non-citation footnotes as footnotes on each page or as part of the endnotes (incrementing endnotes only)
templateEndnote cite_ ft/end Template for use in the footnotes or endnotes
ibid cite_ ft/end Template for use in the footnotes or endnotes where there are consecutive citations for the same resource and the same page
idem cite_ ft/end Template for use in the footnotes or endnotes where there are consecutive citations for the same resource but a different page
opCit cite_ ft/end Template for use in the footnotes or endnotes where there is a previous, non-consecutive citation for the same resource
firstCharsEndnoteID cite_ ft/end First characters enclosing the footnote or endnote
lastCharsEndnoteID cite_ ft/end Last characters enclosing the footnote or endnote
formatEndnoteID cite_ ft/end Format of the footnote or endnote
endnoteYearsTemplate cite_ ft/end Subtemplate replacing the year field in other footnote or endnote templates where there are multiple publication years
endnoteYearsTypes cite_ ft/end The resource types for which endnoteYearsTemplate must be used

Bibliographies and endnotes

Bibliography creators

Field Prefix Style type Description
primaryCreatorFirstStyle style_ a-d/ft Order of initials and surname for the first primary creator in a list
primaryCreatorOtherStyle style_ a-d/ft Order of initials and surname for other primary creators in a list
primaryCreatorFirstName style_ a-d/ft Formatting of primary creator first names (full or initial)
primaryCreatorInitials style_ a-d/ft Formatting of primary creator initials
primaryCreatorUpperCase style_ a-d/ft Uppercase primary creator names
primaryCreatorRepeat style_ a-d/ft Action for works by the same creator(s) immediately following in the list
primaryCreatorRepeatString style_ a-d/ft Works by the same creator(s) immediately following in the list are replaced with this
primaryCreatorRepeatOverrideFormat style_ a-d/ft The replacement for works by the same creator(s) immediately following in the list has the previous formatting removed
otherCreatorFirstStyle style_ a-d/ft Order of initials and surname for the first non-primary creators in a list
otherCreatorOtherStyle style_ a-d/ft Order of initials and surname for other non-primary creators in a list
otherCreatorFirstName style_ a-d/ft Formatting of non-primary creator first names (full or initial)
otherCreatorInitials style_ a-d/ft Formatting of non-primary creator initials
otherCreatorUpperCase style_ a-d/ft Uppercase non-primary creator names
primaryTwoCreatorsSep style_ a-d/ft Characters separating primary creators where there are just two
primaryCreatorSepFirstBetween style_ a-d/ft Characters separating the first two primary creators where there are more than two
primaryCreatorSepNextBetween style_ a-d/ft Characters separating other primary creators where there are more than two
primaryCreatorSepNextLast style_ a-d/ft Characters separating the last two primary creators where there are more than two
otherTwoCreatorsSep style_ a-d/ft Characters separating non-primary creators where there are just two
otherCreatorSepFirstBetween style_ a-d/ft Characters separating the first two non-primary creators where there are more than two
otherCreatorSepNextBetween style_ a-d/ft Characters separating other non-primary creators where there are more than two
otherCreatorSepNextLast style_ a-d/ft Characters separating the last two non-primary creators where there are more than two
primaryCreatorList style_ a-d/ft Print all primary creators or limit the list on first citation
primaryCreatorListMore style_ a-d/ft If limiting the primary creator list on first citation, the threshold of number of creators, above which to limit the list
primaryCreatorListLimit style_ a-d/ft If limiting the primary creator list on first citation, how many to print in full
primaryCreatorListAbbreviation style_ a-d/ft If limiting the primary creator list on first citation, how to abbreviate the remaining creators
primaryCreatorListAbbreviationItalic style_ a-d/ft If limiting the primary creator list on first citation, italicize the abbreviation
otherCreatorList style_ a-d/ft Print all non-primary creators or limit the list on first citation
otherCreatorListMore style_ a-d/ft If limiting the non-primary creator list on first citation, the threshold of number of creators, above which to limit the list
otherCreatorListLimit style_ a-d/ft If limiting the non-primary creator list on first citation, how many to print in full
otherCreatorListAbbreviation style_ a-d/ft If limiting the non-primary creator list on first citation, how to abbreviate the remaining creators
otherCreatorListAbbreviationItalic style_ a-d/ft If limiting the non-primary creator list on first citation, italicize the abbreviation

Bibliography dates

Field Prefix Style type Description
dayFormat style_ a-d/ft/end Formatting of days
monthFormat style_ a-d/ft/end Formatting of months
dayLeadingZero style_ a-d/ft/end Add a leading 0 to days
dayOrdinalStyle style_ a-d/ft/end Format of the ordinal component of days
userMonth_1 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 1 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_2 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 2 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_3 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 3 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_4 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 4 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_5 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 5 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_6 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 6 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_7 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 7 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_8 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 8 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_9 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 9 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_10 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 10 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_11 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 11 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_12 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined month 12 name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_13 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined Spring name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_14 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined Summer name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_15 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined Autumn name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
userMonth_16 style_ a-d/ft/end User-defined Winter name if monthFormat is set as user-defined
date1Template style_ a-d/ft/end A template to replace the date field in templates where there is a day range
date2Template style_ a-d/ft/end A template to replace the date field in templates where there is a month range

Bibliography editions

Field Prefix Style type Description
editionFormat style_ a-d/ft/end Formatting of book edition number
editionOrdinalStyle style_ a-d/ft/end Format of the ordinal component of edition numbers

Bibliography editor switch

Field Prefix Style type Description
editorSwitch style_ a-d/ft/end If a book is missing authors, replace the author(s) in the template with the editor(s)
editionSwitchIfYes style_ a-d/ft/end If editorSwitch is enabled, use this template to format the editor(s)

Bibliography multiple punctuation

Field Prefix Style type Description
noMultiplePunctuation style_ a-d/ft/end Trust WIKINDX to remove instances of multiple punctuation that can occur when resources are missing fields which are defined in the template

Bibliography order

For author-date citations, endnote-style citations using the same ID number, and bibliographies appended to word processor papers using footnotes style

Field Prefix Style type Description
sameIdOrderBib cite_ a-d/ft/end Use the order defined here for endnotes using the same ID (otherwise, the endnotes are ordered according to incrementing number)
orderUsePrefix style_ a-d/ft/end Control how a creator prefix affects ordering by creator
order1 cite_ a-d/ft/end First order of the bibliography or endnotes
order2 cite_ a-d/ft/end Second order of the bibliography or endnotes
order3 cite_ a-d/ft/end Third order of the bibliography or endnotes
order1desc cite_ a-d/ft/end First order of the bibliography or endnotes, ascending or descending
order2desc cite_ a-d/ft/end Second order of the bibliography or endnotes, ascending or descending
order3desc cite_ a-d/ft/end Third order of the bibliography or endnotes, ascending or descending

Bibliography pages

Field Prefix Style type Description
pageFormat style_ a-d/ft/end Page format in the bibliography or endnotes
pageFormatDelimiter style_ a-d/ft/end Delimiter between multiple page numbers in the pages field

Bibliography running time

Field Prefix Style type Description
runningTimeTemplate style_ a-d/ft/end Template for the running time of audiovisual media in the bibliography or endnotes
runningTimeLeadingZero style_ a-d/ft/end Add a leading 0 to minutes, seconds, and milliseconds

Bibliography titles

Field Prefix Style type Description
titleCapitalization style_ a-d/ft/end Capitalization format for the main title in the title field in the bibliography or endnotes
subtitleCapitalization style_ a-d/ft/end Capitalization format for the subtitle in the title field in the bibliography or endnotes
titleSubtitleSeparator style_ a-d/ft/end Separator between title and subtitle in the title field
titleInvertFormat style_ a-d/ft/end Invert the format of a resource’s title where necessary. e.g., if the original title has elements in italics and the title field of the bibliographic template is enclosed in italics, remove the formatting of those original elements. The same for underline, bold, superscript, and subscript

Bibliography templates

  • The bibliography templates govern the formatting of resources in bibliographies for author-date styles
  • If endnote styles have any of their templates in the citation block set to the ‘citation’ field, ‘citation’ refers to the bibliographic templates here
  • Footnote styles normally use the footnote templates for each resource type: these are used within WIKINDX and when exporting from the word processor. When exporting from the word processor, a bibliography is appended that uses the bibliography templates
  • It is not necessary to define templates for each resource type: if no template is defined, one of the generic templates will be used instead. Hence, the three generic templates must each be defined
generic templates:
Field Prefix Style type Description
genericBook style_ a-d/ft/end Bibliographic template for the generic book
genericBook footnote_ ft Footnote template for the generic book
genericBook partial_ a-d/ft/end If the first field is missing from the bibliographic template, replace it, or the entire template, with this partial template
genericBookReplace partial_ a-d/ft/end Replace the entire bibliographic template with the partial template if the first field is missing
genericBook_creator1_firstString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append the first creator name with this string
genericBook_creator1_firstString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend the string
genericBook_creator1_remainderString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append other creator names with this string
genericBook_creator1_remainderString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend string
genericBook_creator1_remainderString_each style_ a-d/ft/end Add the string to each of the other creator names
genericBook_creator2_firstString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append the first editor name with this string
genericBook_creator2_firstString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend the string
genericBook_creator2_remainderString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append other editor names with this string
genericBook_creator2_remainderString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend string
genericBook_creator2_remainderString_each style_ a-d/ft/end Add the string to each of the other editor names
genericBook_disableBib style_ a-d/ft/end When previewing the bibliographic template, enable or disable fields
genericBook_disableFoot style_ ft When previewing the footnote template, enable or disable fields
genericArticle style_ a-d/ft/end Bibliographic template for the generic article
genericArticle footnote_ ft Footnote template for the generic book
genericArticle partial_ a-d/ft/end If the first field is missing from the bibliographic template, replace it, or the entire template, with this partial template
genericArticleReplace partial_ a-d/ft/end Replace the entire bibliographic template with the partial template if the first field is missing
genericArticle_creator1_firstString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append the first creator name with this string
genericArticle_creator1_firstString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend the string
genericArticle_creator1_remainderString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append other creator names with this string
genericArticle_creator1_remainderString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend string
genericArticle_creator1_remainderString_each style_ a-d/ft/end Add the string to each of the other creator names
genericArticle_creator2_firstString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append the first editor name with this string
genericArticle_creator2_firstString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend the string
genericArticle_creator2_remainderString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append other editor names with this string
genericArticle_creator2_remainderString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend string
genericArticle_creator2_remainderString_each style_ a-d/ft/end Add the string to each of the other editor names
genericArticle_disableBib style_ a-d/ft/end When previewing the bibliographic template, enable or disable fields
genericArticle_disableFoot style_ ft When previewing the footnote template, enable or disable fields
genericMisc style_ a-d/ft/end Bibliographic template for the generic miscellany
genericMisc footnote_ ft Footnote template for the generic miscellany
genericMisc partial_ a-d/ft/end If the first field is missing from the bibliographic template, replace it, or the entire template, with this partial template
genericMiscReplace partial_ a-d/ft/end Replace the entire bibliographic template with the partial template if the first field is missing
genericMisc_creator1_firstString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append the first creator name with this string
genericMisc_creator1_firstString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend the string
genericMisc_creator1_remainderString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append other creator names with this string
genericMisc_creator1_remainderString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend string
genericMisc_creator1_remainderString_each style_ a-d/ft/end Add the string to each of the other creator names
genericMisc_disableBib style_ a-d/ft/end When previewing the bibliographic template, enable or disable fields
genericMisc_disableFoot style_ ft When previewing the footnote template, enable or disable fields
specific resource templates:
  • ‘xxxxx’ represents the resource type
  • ‘zzzzz’ represents ‘creator1’ through to ‘creator5’ where the number (referencing, for example, author, editor, composer, artist, etc.) depends on the resource type:
    • artwork (1); audiovisual (1, 2, 5); bill (none); book (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); book_article (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); book_chapter (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); broadcast (1, 2); brochure (1); chart (1); classical (1); conference_paper (1); conference_poster (1); database (1); film (1, 2); government_report (1, 2); hearing (none); journal_article (1, 2); case (3, 4); legal_ruling (1); magazine_article (1); manuscript (1); map (1, 5); miscellaneous (1); miscellaneous_section (1); music_album (1, 2, 3); music_score (1, 2); music_track (1, 2, 3); newspaper_article (1, 2); patent (1, 2, 3, 4); personal (1, 2); proceedings (2); proceedings_article (1, 2); report (1, 2); software (1); statute (none); thesis (1, 2); unpublished (1); web_article (1, 2); web_encyclopedia (1, 2); web_encyclopedia_article (1, 2); web_site(1, 2)
Field Prefix Style type Description
xxxxx style_ a-d/ft/end Bibliographic template for the resource type
xxxxx footnote_ ft Footnote template for the resource type
xxxxx_generic style_ a-d/ft/end The generic template to use if a bibliographic template is not defined
xxxxx partial_ a-d/ft/end If the first field is missing from the bibliographic template, replace it, or the entire template, with this partial template
xxxxxReplace partial_ a-d/ft/end Replace the entire bibliographic template with the partial template if the first field is missing
xxxxx_zzzzz_firstString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append the first creator name with this string
xxxxx_zzzzz_firstString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend the string
xxxxx_zzzzz_remainderString style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend or append other creator names with this string
xxxxx_zzzzz_remainderString_before style_ a-d/ft/end Prepend string
xxxxx_zzzzz_remainderString_each style_ a-d/ft/end Add the string to each of the other creator names
xxxxx_disableBib style_ a-d/ft/end When previewing the bibliographic template, enable or disable fields
xxxxx_disableFoot style_ ft When previewing the footnote template, enable or disable fields



From WIKINDX 6.8.0, add titleInvertFormat (style_) field.


From WIKINDX v6.7.1, v29 is the first version using the JSON format. Previous version used the XML format. This release is a reboot of the style format attempting to fix XML escaping errors and errors introduced during earlier version migrations of custom styles.

The fields of the footnote section which relate to types of resources, have been gathered in a subsection resource.

The fields of the footnote section which do not relate to resource types, have been gathered in a subsection common.

The fields of the bibliography section which relate to types of resources, have been gathered in a subsection resource.

The value of boolean fields became 0/1 instead of On/Off.

Force the presence of all fields regardless of the active type (a-d, ft, end) of the style.

Ensure that all fields using the mini-syntax get the compiled value.


Unpublished version (during 6.7.1 development).


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add footnoteBibPosition (cite_) and endnoteRestart (cite_) fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add trueFootnotes (cite_) field.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, convert styleLocalisation and citeLocalisationvalues from a locale code (ll_CC) to a language code (ll)1.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, change the way dates are handled. Values are not stored as arrays instead of strings using the mini-syntax from the editor.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, change the way runningtime is handled. Values are not stored as arrays instead of strings using the mini-syntax from the editor.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add reatorRepeatOverrideFormat (footnote_) field.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add creatorRepeatOverrideFormat, noMultiplePunctuation, orderUsePrefix (style_) fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add subtitleCapitalization (style_ and cite_) fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add noCreatorAfterQuotation field.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add citePositionPunctuation field.


Unpublished version (during 6.6.0 development).


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, replace citationPosition field by citationPosition1, citationPosition2, and citationPosition3 fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add citationPosition and citationPositionSpace fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add quotationMarkers field, and replace localisation field by citeLocalisation and styleLocalisation fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, replace language field by localisation fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add quotationMarkers (cite_) field and defines the default value (en) of language field.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add cite_pageFormatDelimiter, style_pageFormatDelimiter, style_dayOrdinalStyle, style_editionOrdinalStyle fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add cite_citationYearsTypes and cite_citationYearsTemplate fields.


From WIKINDX v6.6.0, add cite_citationYearsTypes and cite_citationYearsTemplate fields.


From WIKINDX v6.4.1, replace the values (language names) of the language field with their locale codes.


From WIKINDX v3.2.2, add seasons to date format.


From WIKINDX v3.2.1, add conference_poster and brochure resource types. Remove independent fields. Rename ISBN field to resourceIsbn.


Considered the first stable version of this format.