First try

For testing purpose we provide a test database at (demo_wikindx_database.sql).

To test it follow the instructions in the Install section. But instead of starting the installation by calling the index.php script the first time, use a MySQL client such as phpMyAdmin to import the demo_wikindx_database.sql file in your database.

If you skipped this last point, destroy all tables of the database before the import. Once the test is complete destroy all tables of the database and call the index.php page to start the install setup.

The test database has three users:

User Username Password
Administrator super superW!k1ndx
User 1 user1 user1W!k1ndx
User 2 user2 user2W!k1ndx

There are 83 resources entered with categories, keywords, abstracts, notes and metadata (quotations, paraphrases, musings) and at least two resources per resource type.

User 2 has a private bibliography. There is a user group which has two members (Administrator and User 1) and which has a private group bibliography (superBibliography).

Some maturity indices have been set and there are some popularity ratings/number of views.

No attachments have been added to any resource – but go ahead, experiment with adding them yourself.

No particular configuration is defined.