

If you are upgrading, read this document carefully. Follow the instructions below depending on the starting version.

Instead, you can also install again WIKINDX in a different folder from a copy of the components and data folders and a backup of the database.




Backup doesn’t cost more, is quick and prevents any permanent lost of data.

Use our BackupMysql plugin which make a backup with PHP or the mysqldump tool from the cli. mysqldump is the best choice for large databases because it has no execution time limit. The following command should work for ordinary MySQL configurations. Replace values quoted by <>. On Windows don’t replace the --result-file option by the pipe syntax (>) because the ends of line and the encoding can be corrupted.


mysqldump --user=<dbusername> --password=<dbpwd> --result-file=<wikindx_backup_xyz_yyyymmdd.sql> <dbname>
mysqldump --user=wkxuser --password=4hv563UFM9Hnte5J --result-file=wikindx_backup_640_20210310.sql wikindxdb

Upgrading components

From v5.9.1, components are downloaded, updated, and managed from the Components Manager (Menu entry: Admin > Components). Update them after the core is fully upgraded.

From 6.3.5, language components are removed and translations are built-in.

From 6.6.0, vendor components are removed. Third party libraries are bundled and updated with core.

If you are upgrading a component by hand, follow these steps:

  1. Download the component source code from the SourceForge Files section. Until v6.3.5 each version has a archives/X.Y.Z/components folder on SF where components are stored. After v6.3.5 components are stored in components/<type>/<components_compatible_version>/ folder on SF. <components_compatible_version> is a number specific to the core of the version installed. Find this number in WIKINDX_COMPONENTS_COMPATIBLE_VERSION constant in core/startup/CONSTANTS.php file or in the Components Manager.

  2. Uncompress the source code into a folder on your computer – this will create a folder named after its component id.

  3. Copy the uncompressed folder inside the components/<type> folder of the current installation (<type> is the folder name of the type of the component).

  4. Enable the component if the core upgrade disabled it.

Upgrading from v6.x series

You no longer need to update the config.php file by hand with new variables as in previous versions. This step is automatic. If config.php changes, the previous file will be saved with the current date and time in the website root directory.

WIKINDX uses caching in the database _cache table for lists of creators, keywords etc. For large WIKINDX databases, if you receive messages such as ‘MySQL server has gone away’, try increasing max_allowed_packet in the MySQL server.

If your database is over 1500 resources and you expect to export (with the importexport plugin) lists of resources of at least this length, then you should set public $WIKINDX_MEMORY_LIMIT = "128M" (128MB minimum); in config.php in order to avoid memory allocation errors.

If you are upgrading a previous installation of WIKINDX 6.x, simply:

  1. Back up the database with mysqldump or the BackupMysql plugin.

  2. Back up the data folder of the current installation.

  3. Back up the source code (all but data folder) of the current installation.

  4. Transfer the backups to a safe place (not on your server or the folder tree of the current installation…).

  5. Download the source code of the core from the SourceForge Files section.

  6. Uncompress the source code into a folder on your computer – this will create a wikindx folder.

  7. In the web server hierarchy, optionally remove the core and dbschema folders. You can do this from time to time for cleaning up old code deleted from previous versions.

  8. Copy the files and folders from the uncompressed wikindx folder to the root folder of your website in the web server hierarchy. This will overwrite the source code of the existing installation.

  9. If you are upgrading a version less than 5.9.1, move attachments in the old wikindx/attachments/ folder to wikindx/data/attachments/ and then delete the old wikindx/attachments/ folder. Likewise, files in wikindx/images/ must be moved to wikindx/data/images/ and the wikindx/images/ folder deleted. PS: However, it may happen that the rewriting of certain resource and paper links to these images fails when the src attribute of the HTML img tag does not appear first.

  10. Now you are ready to run WIKINDX. On first running, WIKINDX will check PHP/MySQl versions and that several folders are writeable including:

    • cache/'
    • data/'
    • components/plugins/'
    • components/templates/'
    • components/styles/'
  11. Run WIKINDX through your web browser and follow the instructions on screen. You will go through the following steps:

    • If the PHP version is wrong, you will be prompted to correct this.
    • If mandatory PHP extensions are missing, you will be prompted to correct this.
    • If the config.php file is missing, you will be prompted to correct this.
    • Missing folders will be created (cache and data).
    • If anything is not writeable, you will be prompted to correct this.
    • Logon as Super Administrator (simple administrators cannot upgrade).
    • If the MySQL version is wrong, you will be prompted to correct this.
    • If the database needs upgrading, you will be prompted to correct this.
    • Upgrade of the database schema step by step. In order to account for potential PHP timeouts when used on a large database, the database upgrade takes place over numerous stages.
    • Data migration (optional step).
    • config.php upgrade (optional step).
    • Cache refresh (check component compatibility and clear template caches).
  12. Finally update the official components from the Components Manager (Admin > Components menu). If a component is not compatible with the new core, it will be disabled automatically. After their update, enable them again.

  13. If you have created custom components you must adapt them to keep them working. Starting from version 5.9.1, the component.json file is added to describe the component.

a) Administrators who have written their own bibliographic styles for v3.x should open, edit, and save them in the plug-in adminstyle editor prior to their use as this will add additions and amendments to those styles that are required in v4.x and up.

b) Administrators who have designed their own CSS/templates will need to do some editing. The templating subsystem has greatly changed in order to give template designers a lot more control over the visual design of WIKINDX. See wikindx/components/templates/default/ for examples.

c) To date, each version greatly modifies the interface between the core and the plugins. You will probably have to rewrite some of your private plugins. We encourage you to contact us to integrate them into the official distribution or at least to make yourself known so that we have an idea of the impact of the interface modifications.

UTF-8 migration (from 5.x to 6.2.1)

Note: Do not attempt a conversion if you do not see corrupted character display, you may get the opposite effect. If in doubt ask for assistance on the forum.

Databases used since v5.1 might exhibit errors in the conversion to UTF-8 characters that came in with v5.1. The RepairKit plugin attempts to fix these issues but, because the UTF-8 correction code was removed in this plugin from v6.2.1, databases that have been upgraded since before 5.1 but have not had their UTF-8 repaired with the plugin, should follow this procedure:

  1. Download and install WIKINDX 6.0.8 or 6.1.0 according to your PHP version.
  2. Run WIKINDX and follow the database upgrade.
  3. Install the RepairKit plugin for the relevant WIKINDX version and run the plugin’s Fix chars code.
  4. If you do not have PHP 7.0 or greater, you cannot go further than using WIKINDX v6.0.8. If you have PHP 7.0 or greater, then you can now safely download and install the latest version of WIKINDX.

The above results from a code clean-out and the understanding that there are very few (if any) current users of WIKINDX with pre-v5.1 databases.

Upgrading from v5.x series

Upgrading v5.x database is supported by this version. If you use an old version of PHP the oldest versions supporting an upgrade form v5.x serie are (see docs/UPGRADE.txt):

  • v6.0.8 which supports PHP 5.6 to 7.3.
  • v6.1.0 which supports PHP 7.0 to 7.4.
  • v6.5.0 which supports PHP 7.3 to 8.0.
  • v6.6.8 which supports PHP 7.4 to 8.2.
  • v6.7.0 which supports PHP 8.0 to 8.2.

After going through these intermediate versions you can update a second time to a more recent version.

Upgrading from v3.8.x or v4.x series

Upgrading v3.8.x or v4.x database is NOT supported anymore by this version. For this case you need to use one of the two stable transition versions and follow their instructions (see docs/UPGRADE.txt):

  • v6.0.8 which supports PHP 5.6 to 7.3.
  • v6.1.0 which supports PHP 7.0 to 7.4.

After going through these intermediate versions you can update a second time to a more recent version.