component.json format v2

Each component must have a component.json in JSON format that describes the main information about itself. The file must be structured as a single object which corresponds to a PHP array once unserialized with json_decode(). Each key/value pair of the object is an array key/value entry. The format is under development and may change further.

In v2 (from 6.4.11) the component_builtin and component_updatable fields have been removed.

Note that, when using the adminstyle plugin for bibliographic styles, the component.json file is automatically created for you when creating a new style and updated when editing a style.

Description of fields:

Field Type M Description
component_type string Y Name of a type of component. Must be: plugin, style, template, or vendor.
component_id string Y Component identifier. Must be identical to the name of the root component directory.
component_version string Y Component public version number: what this number is is up to you.
component_name string Y Component short name.
component_longname string Y Component long name.
component_description string Y Component short description (without line break). Use the README.txt file for long description, notes…
component_licence string N Component license name or abbreviation (abbreviation recommended).
component_website string N A single full URL to the vendor or maintainer website to use as a link.
component_sha256 string Y Unique signature corresponding to a sha256 hash of the component files. Use cli-sign-components.php in the top level of the wikindx folder to compute it.
component_authors array N An array of objects that, unserialized, will be a PHP array of PHP arrays. Each object is an author or contributor.
author_name string Y Name of the author.
author_role string Y Role of the author. Something like: developer, packager, translator, tester, maintainer.
author_copyright string Y Contribution period. E.g. the years: 2004-2017.
author_email string Y A single email address of the author that could be embedded in a href with mailto.
author_website string Y A single full URL to the author website/personal page to use as a link.

Column M indicates a mandatory field: Y=Yes, N=No.

Any additional fields will be ignored.

For the exact syntax of each data type, consult the official format specifications for JSON.

When WIKINDX starts or the components admin panel is opened a components.json file is created in the cache folder, and a components.json file is created in the data folder.

The file in cache folder, listing all components installed, is an array of objects in JSON format. Each object is the content of a component.json file with additional fields. Original component.json fields remain unchanged.

Field Type M Description
component_integrity integer Y Error code returned when the component is checked. 0 is OK. Not 0 is an error.

The file in data folder, listing persistent data of some components, is an array of objects in JSON format. Each object is a short component description (component_type + component_id) like a component.json file with additional persistent fields. This list can contain data about components that are no longer installed but that we want to keep for a future reinstallation. Original component.json fields remain unchanged.

Field Type M Description
component_status string Y Code status value: enabled or disabled. “enabled”, if the component is executed on WIKINDX startup.

When the release script release/cli-make-package.php script is executed, it creates also a components.json, listing all components released with the current core.

As with the previous file, it is an array of objects in JSON format. Each object is the content of a component.json file with additional fields, but different. Original component.json fields remain unchanged.

Field Type M Description
component_packages array N Array of object. Each object is the description of a downloadable package of the component.
package_location string Y A single full URL to a downloadable package in zip format.
package_sha256 string Y Unique signature corresponding to a sha256 hash of the package generated by make.php.
package_size integer Y Size in bytes of the package.

Example of a single component.json file for the smarty vendor component:

    "component_type": "vendor",
    "component_id": "smarty",
    "component_version": "3.1.34-dev-7",
    "component_name": "PHP Template Engine Smarty",
    "component_longname": "PHP Template Engine Smarty",
    "component_description": "Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation from application logic.",
    "component_licence": "LGPL 3.0",
    "component_website": "",
    "component_authors": [
            "author_name": "New Digital Group, Inc.",
            "author_role": "Developers",
            "author_copyright": "2002-2019"
            "author_name": "Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard",
            "author_role": "Packager",
            "author_copyright": "2012-2016",
            "author_email": "",
            "author_website": ""
            "author_name": "Stéphane Aulery",
            "author_role": "Packager",
            "author_copyright": "2017-2019",
            "author_email": "",
            "author_website": ""
    "component_sha256": "e4865976c11067e720c45d60769777045b4be94b5ff356a00c81079238ed21d6"

Example of a data/components.json file:

        "component_type": "style",
        "component_id": "apa",
        "component_status": "enabled"
        "component_type": "template",
        "component_id": "default",
        "component_status": "enabled"
        "component_type": "vendor",
        "component_id": "jquery",
        "component_status": "enabled"

Example of a cache/components.json file extract:

        "component_type": "plugin",
        "component_id": "chooselanguage",
        "component_version": "181",
        "component_name": "Choose Language",
        "component_longname": "Choose Language on the fly",
        "component_description": "Display a drop-down menu on all pages to choose the language of the interface. This is useful if your website is hosted on       the web and on public access.",
        "component_licence": "ISC License",
        "component_authors": [
                "author_name": "Stéphane Aulery",
                "author_role": "Translator",
                "author_copyright": "2017-2019",
                "author_email": "",
                "author_website": ""
        "component_sha256": "fff4092a9c602efe4e11bb2d68d1ca2afe6a6e7a40f4881d16b10ba11a12e474",
        "component_integrity": 0
        "component_type": "style",
        "component_id": "apa",
        "component_version": "53",
        "component_name": "APA",
        "component_longname": "American Psychological Association (APA)",
        "component_description": "American Psychological Association (APA) (installed by default). APA is an author/date based style. This means emphasis is placed on the author and the date of a piece of work to uniquely identify it.",
        "component_licence": "ISC License",
        "component_website": "",
        "component_authors": [
                "author_name": "Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard",
                "author_role": "Compiler",
                "author_copyright": "2005",
                "author_email": "",
                "author_website": ""
        "component_sha256": "af1ba8aa15c62d0ae9a2ce9dbe598d9001fab81451a7b10cf511d5ba26b6d25d",
        "component_integrity": 0

Example of a component.json file extract from the update server generated by the make.php script:

        "component_version": "181",
        "component_licence": "ISC License",
        "component_description": "Display a drop-down menu on all pages to choose the language of the interface. This is useful if your website is hosted on       the web and on public access.",
        "component_name": "Choose Language",
        "component_longname": "Choose Language on the fly",
        "component_sha256": "dc79b8c5e4f303fa242345df5ee734598972c56406191d14e946d81b0ec2bde7",
        "component_id": "chooselanguage",
        "component_type": "plugin",
        "component_authors": [
                "author_name": "Stéphane Aulery",
                "author_role": "Translator",
                "author_copyright": "2017-2019",
                "author_email": "",
                "author_website": ""
        "component_packages": [
                "package_location": "",
                "package_sha256": "afb5fad76f2c5ce810653988792462352bab0dfe17f8f6065bbefc2f10f983b5",
                "package_size": 47372
        "component_version": "53",
        "component_sha256": "5b8c8f37c8f46f67ff6d80ae2b1c6901c6c82b599c34ca387b2b31fd27433fb0",
        "component_licence": "ISC License",
        "component_name": "APA",
        "component_longname": "American Psychological Association (APA)",
        "component_description": "American Psychological Association (APA) (installed by default). APA is an author/date based style. This means emphasis      is placed on the author and the date of a piece of work to uniquely identify it.",
        "component_id": "apa",
        "component_type": "style",
        "component_authors": [
                "author_name": "Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard",
                "author_role": "Compiler",
                "author_copyright": "2005",
                "author_email": "",
                "author_website": ""
        "component_packages": [
                "package_location": "",
                "package_sha256": "f86dde75e51816c8c25c2e6ef34b21a462a5b23273978f5692546e6bf9f8c8d6",
                "package_size": 32241