We are looking for...

WIKINDX is free software with about a million lines of code. This means we are dependent upon volunteers and that it takes a lot of time to maintain and keep up to date. Additionally, there is plenty of work to be done on new functionality and contributing to and maintaining components such as plugins and translations. Perhaps you are a WIKINDX user yourself with a great idea or you are a student looking for real-world project ideas in programming, web design, librarianship, or translation. If so, we are actively seeking voluntary contributors to the following (contact the developers at Sourceforge):

Core code

WIKINDX was first released in 2003 and has gone through many updates since then including complete rewrites of many parts. Still, there remain many areas that require tidying up and optimization. You might also have an idea for new functionality that should be part of the core code—perhaps, for example, new import and export interfaces for other bibliography formats. You should be familiar with PHP (and some javascript knowledge would help for certain cases).


There is work required in two areas here:

  1. New translations. We are always looking for new languages.

  2. Translation updates. In translations, any missing messages are automatically replaced by the core English ones when running WIKINDX. As WIKINDX develops, individual messages in the core English are updated and new messages are added, and, without maintenance of the translations, there will be a) more incorrect messages and b) an increasing mix of English and the requested language in the interface. If a translation has less than 50% translated messages, then we feel obliged to retire that translation until it is updated.

You should be able to use Transifex. See Contributing Translations.


In addition to the core code, WIKINDX uses plugins to extend its functionality for specific tasks. Some of those plugins can be found listed at the front page of the WIKINDX website and are available from Sourceforge Components or from within the Admin|Components interface in WIKINDX. If you have developed a plugin or just have an idea for a new one, then please contact us. Some ideas for plugins include:

  1. Import from Google Scholar.

  2. Search multiple wikindices (a WIKINDX web).

  3. Compile a Systematic Review table from the WIKINDX data.

You should be familiar with PHP. See Plugins.


Templates control the visual display of WIKINDX through CSS styles and template files for various aspects of WIKINDX. If you have developed a new template that you would like to share or would like to offer a facelift to our existing templates, please contact us. You should be familiar with fundamental web design (HTML, CSS) and the Smarty templating system. See Customizing Templates.

LibreOffice extension

In addition to the Google add-on and Word add-in, we would like a LibreOffice extension. From your LibreOffice document you can interface with a WIKINDX and import references and citations and then create a bibliography when ready to finalize. You should be familiar with the LibreOffice API and python. See Office Plugins.

CMS interfaces

Over the years, a number of interfaces for Content Management Systems have been developed by third parties. These allow a WIKINDX to be queried and return bibliographically formatted resources for insertion into the CMS. As the interfaces are developed by others and are installed on the CMS itself, we do not know what is available or if what has previously been developed is still working through WIKINDX updates. For example, there is known to be a Moodle interface but we do not know if that is functional still. To develop or update a CMS interface, you will need to deal with the CMS itself rather than contact us. However, please let us know what is out there and working with the latest WIKINDX version so that we can list it on this website. If you are a CMS developer, we are always ready with help and advice. See CMS Interfaces.


WIKINDX supports academic publishing, whether you are a student or a fully fledged professor. Publishing in various journals and proceedings and for different publishers necessitates adherence to the required in-house bibliographic style. To aid in this, WIKINDX provides a word processor plugin and Office Plug-ins (Google add-on etc. as mentioned above), with which you can then format your entire article in various bibliographic styles, or you can simply export a formatted bibliography to RTF which you can then import into a range of common word processors. There are 1000s of bibliographic styles. Each of them requires the creation of the style files in order to use within WIKINDX. WIKINDX provides the adminstyle plugin to enable the creation of new style files either from scratch or by copying an existing one. If you have a new style ready for other users, then please contact us to have it made available for download or from within the Admin|Components interface in WIKINDX. If you are a PHP developer, a plugin for converting CSL files (see CSL) might be something you would consider developing.